Who We Are
About Iowa Medical Society
The Iowa Medical Society (IMS) is the largest and oldest statewide professional association for Iowa physicians. Established in 1850, IMS represents more than 6,000 physicians, residents, and medical students. We help medical professional at all stages of practice develop their network and further their careers by providing access to unique and relevant content and exclusive member services. IMS also works to protect the health of Iowans through a variety of advocacy efforts at the state and federal level.
Our Mission
"To advance the practice of medicine through advocacy, education, and engagement with physicians throughout Iowa to ensure the highest quality of care for the patients they serve."
Our Vision
"To be the leading voice in medicine to make Iowa a premier destination for physicians to live, work, and serve their communities."
2024 - 2026 Strategic Priorities

Workforce Development
Physician Education and Wellness
Advocacy and Thought Leadership
Engagement and Education
Increase the number of physicians
practicing throughout Iowa
Promote physician health and wellness and offer compelling education opportunities for our members
Distinguish IMS as the trusted voice and the definitive authority for organized medicine and the source for innovative physician-led healthcare solutions
Optimize and diversify revenue and align resources and talent to advance our strategic goals and to maximize long-term stability and growth
Our Approach to Legislative Decisions
IMS values informed decision-making. Our current policies inform stances on important legislative issues. These policies are published in our Policy Compendium. Multiple channels have been established for gathering input from member physicians in creating new IMS policies and revising old ones. These include:
- Policy Forum
- Standing and ad hoc committees
- Task forces
- Member surveys
- Secure online community discussions
- Facilitated forums and regional round table discussions
- Inter-specialty councils