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Policy Forum

NOTE: Policy Forum 25-1 submissions are now open. The Forum will take place Friday, May 2.

The Policy Forum Process

The Policy Forum is the process by which IMS establishes and amends official policy. Policy Forums are held twice annually, in Spring and Fall. The 20 elected members of the IMS Board of Directors comprise the membership of the Policy Forum. Policy Forums are preceded by Testimony Forums, virtually enabled forums within which IMS members have the opportunity to offer testimony in support of, or in opposition to, the Policy Request Statements (PRSs) that are under consideration by upcoming Policy Forums. IMS members are encouraged to participate in the policy setting process by:

  1. Submitting PRSs to establish new policy, amend existing policy, or directing IMS to take action on an issue.
  2. Participating in Testimony Forums by offering virtual testimony in support of, or in opposition to, PRSs under consideration.
  3. Attending Policy Forums and testifying in person.

IMS Policy Statements can be found in the Policy Compendium.


1) Call to Action

March 17 - March 31

The official “Call for Action” period begins approximately seven weeks prior to each scheduled Policy Forum and lasts for two weeks. During this time, members are invited to submit Policy Request Statements (PRSs) - brief descriptions of an issue or concern that you are experiencing in your medical practice, and request that IMS take some action to help resolve the issue. PRSs may request IMS establish or amend policy, take an official position, seek legislative remedy, work within respective organizations to bring relief, etc. Members may submit a PRS and IMS staff assists with formatting the desired action plan to be considered by the Policy Forum. PRSs may be submitted via email, or mail: Iowa Medical Society, Attn: Policy Request, 515 E. Locust Street, Ste 400, Des Moines, IA 50309. PRSs can be submitted at any time during the year; however, they will only be discussed at a Policy Forum.

2) Testimony Forum

March 31 - April 14

The second phase is the Testimony Forum. PRSs received during the Call for Action period are published online, signaling the opening of the Testimony Forum. Members have two weeks from the opening of the Testimony Forum phase to contribute testimony via members-only discussions on the IMS website or submit feedback privately via email.


3) Policy Forum

May 2

The final phase is the live Policy Forum meeting. At the meeting, all PRSs and accompanying Testimony Forum comments are addressed by the Policy Forum and will either be accepted, amended, rejected, tabled, or sent to an ad hoc committee for further discussion. All members are invited to attend Policy Forum 25-1, May 2 at 1:00 pm to engage in discussion and offer testimony in support of or in opposition to PRSs under consideration. While Policy Forums must be held at least once a year, they are regularly scheduled to be held once in the Spring in concert with the President's Reception and again in the Fall. In addition, special sessions of the Policy Forum may be called as needed.

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